Here’s how you can buy a new home without selling your current one first.

It’s hard to buy a home without selling your current home first. It’s even harder when there’s little inventory available which is why we partnered with a company that helps sellers buy a new home without having to sell first. Even better, it allows these sellers to make a cash offer.

“With this program, a seller can take their home’s equity and use it as a down payment toward another property without the fear of having nowhere to go. ”

This is especially helpful for people who are worried about selling their home and being unable to find a new one. With this program, a seller can take their home’s equity and use it as a down payment toward another property without the fear of having nowhere to go. 

Essentially, the seller uses the company’s cash to purchase a house. Then the seller refinances it after their current home sells. It’s been a great option for many of our home sellers and has allowed them to take their time choosing a home without making multiple moves. Additionally, you don’t even need to own a house to use this service; some FHA or VA buyers are using it to make addendums that state they’ll pay cash if needed to ensure they close.

If you’re interested in taking this route when selling your home, or if you have any questions about how it works, feel free to reach out to us. We look forward to hearing from you soon.