If you’re wondering when to list your home, today’s video is for you.

Today I’m addressing an email I recently got from a potential home seller named Jim in Summerfield, North Carolina. He’s noticed several of his neighbors listing their homes, but he’s concerned that a flooding of the market might drive prices down. Right now prices are incredible, but he’s wondering whether he should sell now or risk waiting. If you’re asking yourself the same thing, I’ll offer my thoughts on the current market and give my advice.  

Cited below for your convenience are timestamps that will direct you to various points in the video. Feel free to watch it in its entirety or use these timestamps to browse specific points at your leisure:

0:00—Introduction to today’s topic

0:49—Why I would sell now 

2:08—The decision boils down to when you’re ready and what price point you’re in

3:41—We’re close to the peak of the market 

5:20—Why you actually have to sell your home twice in today’s market

6:44—Wrapping things up

As always, if you have questions about this or any real estate topic or are thinking of buying a home soon, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. I’m happy to help.