Multiple-offer situations are rampant in our market, meaning that buyers should expect competition when they bid on a home they love. With all the competing homebuyers out there, what can you do to get the edge in this hot market? Here’s a suggestion for you: Give the seller time to move out. 

In your offer, consider allowing the owner to stay in the home for seven to 10 days after closing so they have time to move to their new home. This could give you a huge amount of leverage. Think about it: People will pay for convenience to move out of their home when they choose to and may choose an offer that allows them to do that, even if your offer is monetarily lower than another’s.

“In your offer, consider allowing the owner to stay in the home for seven to 10 days after closing so they have time to move to their new home.”

You can click here to listen to an episode of my radio show where I discuss multiple-offer situations and provide even more tips on how to convince sellers to accept your offer over the competition.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to me, or else you can always find me on channel 94.5 FM every Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. Hope to hear from you soon!