My team and I are connected with many quality contractors we would be happy to recommend to you, but if you’d like to find a contractor on your own, there are a few tips you should follow to ensure you choose the right professional for your needs.

First, make sure you properly vet any contractor you contact. At the very least, make sure that they are licensed. If they can’t produce proof of this for you, you can obtain a copy through the state of North Carolina.

Next, make sure they have adequate insurance. Workman’s compensation insurance will be especially important, just in case they happen to get injured while working on your property. Always ask to see proof of insurance before hiring them for the job. It’s also very important to check that this document is current, as some may try to pass an expired document off as proof.

Taking the time to check for and avoid such pitfalls may take some extra effort, but this can save you thousands in the long run.

“Make sure that you take your time in selecting a contractor, especially for big jobs.”

Another thing I recommend is to ask for references and their Better Business Bureau (BBB) rating. Trusting their BBB rating alone isn’t something I advise, but reviewing this in conjunction with other proof can be a good idea. In this day and age, you’re also likely to find valuable information on various online review portals.

The bottom line is this: Make sure that you take your time in selecting a contractor, especially for big jobs like roof, plumbing, or electrical repairs. You need to do sufficient research.

Finally, realize that it is your responsibility as the homeowner to make sure the permit gets pulled for the job. The contractor may do this of their own volition, but there’s no guarantee of that being the case.

If you have any other questions or would like more information, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.