I’m back today to answer a common client question about carpet.


I recently answered a common (and important) question I often hear from homebuyers on my radio show. Rodney said, “Jason, I plan on selling my home next year. I was wondering if I should replace the carpet or give an allowance? Which is the better option?”

Replacing carpet is always better than offering an allowance. However, with carpet, if you have pets or kids involved, we do highly suggest an allowance. The reason is that as soon as that pet sets foot on the carpet, it’s no longer new in the buyer’s mind. Once the kids or the dogs are running through it, it discounts the “newness” to the eyes of buyers. If any kind of residue or stain is there, even if the carpet is no longer new, that “wow” factor is gone.

A lot of times we go one step further than an allowance. We will get a firm quote from a vendor and provide a sample board for a buyer or future homeowner. All they have to do is pick the style and color they want, and we will install it for them before they move into the home. It’s a strategy we’ve used for over 20 years now and it has a very high success rate.

“Even if carpet is new, pets will discount it in the eyes of a buyer.”

You can get cheap carpet, but that doesn’t mean it’s the right style or color. Aqua green isn’t very desirable these days. You could also get rid of the carpet altogether. We’re putting in a lot more wood and vinyl floors these days that have a price point that’s right in line with many carpets. It’s going to cost a little bit more on average, but then you don’t have to worry about the pets and kids that much because it cleans up well.

If you have any questions about buying a home, selling a home, or real estate in general, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. We look forward to hearing from you.